Botox and Dysport injections from Erica Bedsted at Refyned Aesthetics Medical Spa in Fresno



Refyned Aesthetics is your trusted Medical Spa for safe, effective and natural-looking Botox cosmetic treatments in Fresno, Clovis and the surrounding areas. Whether you desire to smooth away fine lines, restore facial harmony, or explore the preventative benefits of Botox, our team of experienced and skilled medical practitioners are committed to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals. We take a personalized approach to every Botox treatment, thoughtfully mapping and placing each injection with precision to ensure that your aesthetic journey with us is as exceptional as you are.


Botox and Dysport neuromodulators, also known as wrinkle relaxers, are two of the most popular and effective Botulinum Toxin Type A injections used to soften and reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, creases, furrows and folds resulting from aging. These safe, FDA approved, non-invasive cosmetics are injected under the skin, relaxing the muscles that cause wrinkles by temporarily blocking signals from the nerves that cause facial muscles to contract.


Injections of Botox and Dysport effectively relax facial muscles in the areas of concern, resulting in a smoother and more youthful appearance. These treatments also serve as a preventive measure to delay the onset of new wrinkles.

For individuals with facial asymmetry concerns, Botox and Dysport treatments provide a non-invasive solution, improving facial symmetry and promoting a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Apart from their cosmetic uses, Botox and Dysport have shown effectiveness in treating chronic migraines, reducing muscle spasms, and alleviating excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis). These treatments offer much-needed relief and contribute to improved well-being for individuals dealing with these medical conditions.


Crow's Feet
Glabella Frown Lines (11's)
Bunny Lines
Gummy Smile
Lip Flip
Neck Bands
Masseter Jaw Muscle
Armpit Hyperhidrosis
Trapezius Muscles


No downtime is necessary. Patients can resume normal activities although it is best to avoid strenuous exercise and excessive facial manipulation for the first 24 hours.


The price of Botox and Dysport treatments vary, depending on the number of units injected into each treatment area in order to achieve the desired outcome. Our providers partner with you to discuss your goals and establish a treatment plan before beginning the procedure.


Patients will begin to see results within 5 to 7 days, with full effects of the treatment at 14 days. Botox and Dysport treatments are not permanent; results typically last between 3 to 4 months, but can vary by individual based on the distribution and strength of facial muscles, aesthetic goals and the specific area being treated.


Prior to receiving Botox or Dysport treatment, avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory medications, blood thinners, Fish Oil, and Vitamin E to minimize the risk of bruising.

During your scheduled appointment, you will receive a thorough consultation with one of our experienced medical practitioners. This involves discussing your aesthetic goals, reviewing your medical history and assessing your suitability for Botox or Dysport. It is important to inform your practitioner of any medical conditions or allergies you may have to ensure a safe and successful treatment.

The actual procedure itself takes only a few minutes and involves a series of small injections into the targeted facial muscles. The procedure is generally well-tolerated, and a majority of patients report minimal discomfort.

Botox and Dysport treatments are not permanent; however, results typically last between 3 to 4 months, depending upon individual factors. To maintain the desired effect, periodic treatments are necessary.


To optimize results and promote a smooth recovery:
Avoid rubbing or touching the treated area to prevent unintended migration.
Refrain from lying down for 4 hours after treatment.
Do not workout or exercise for 24 hours post-treatment.
Stay hydrated and maintain a healthy lifestyle to support skin health.
Attend any recommended follow-up appointments to assess your progress.


When administered by an experienced and licensed practitioner, Botox and Dysport are considered safe, FDA-approved treatments. Both products have undergone extensive research and testing.

There are certain groups who should avoid treatment. Pregnant or breastfeeding women and individuals with certain neuromuscular disorders should consult with their healthcare provider before considering Botox or Dysport.

Although side effects are uncommon, some individuals may experience a mild headache, tenderness, minor bruising, swelling, or redness at the injection site. These effects are generally temporary and can be managed with proper aftercare.


Say goodbye to wrinkles and rejuvenate your skin with Botox and Dysport treatments from Refyned Aesthetics Medical Spa. Contact our office at 559.570.1400 or schedule an appointment online to take the first step towards a more radiant you!